The working group included:
1. Minlikaev Valery Ziryakovich - Head of the Gas and Gas Condensate (Oil) Production Department of OJSC Gazprom;
2. Boris Alexandrovich Erekhinsky - Chief Technologist of the Department for Well Operation and Diagnostics and Repair of Production Facilities of the Gas and Gas Condensate (Oil) Production Directorate;
3. Gilazov Rais Rafkatovich - Head of the Equipment Monitoring Department of the Engineering Service of Gazprom Komplektatsiya LLC;
4. Trudov Sergey Aleksandrovich - Deputy Head of Department of DOAO Central Design Bureau of Oil Equipment of OAO Gazprom (DOAO TsKBN);
The results of the audit were noted in the letter of Vsevolod Vladimirovich Cherepanov, a member of the Management Board, Head of the Gas, Gas Condensate and Oil Production Department.