Quality Management System

2018-04-10 12:53
The quality management system of JSC NPP Sibtechnocenter is an integrated approach to the organization of management, which strictly regulates all aspects of the life of an enterprise, from the conclusion of contracts for the design and manufacture of products to their shipment to the customer. The Quality Policy in force at our enterprise covers all stages of the production of BOP oil equipment: from the formulation of technical specifications for development and design, to its delivery to the consumer.

The quality management system meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001 2015 (ISO 9001: 2015). All manufactured equipment has certificates of compliance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.

The basis of the policy of JSC "NPP" Sibtechnocenter "in the field of quality is the fulfillment of customer requirements, ensuring that their needs are met, building their confidence in our products through strict adherence to the established requirements for each type of activity.

This policy is being developed through effective management mechanisms: design and development, production, control and testing of products, quality services and technical services of our company. Quality management is carried out in accordance with the quality plan, quality system documents and technical documentation.