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Accounting and storage of materials and equipment

Warehousing closes the full production cycle and consists of such important business operations: acceptance of material resources, their placement, storage, accounting and release of finished products.
An important stage in keeping records of the warehouse facilities is the control and accounting of all inventory items entering the enterprise and issued for production. Accounting operations for finished products are subject to special verification.
The procedure for conducting warehouse accounting is a priority in the functioning of this division for us, which affects the success of the entire company as a whole.
When keeping records of goods in the warehouse, much attention is paid to equipping the warehouse, observing storage conditions and ensuring the safety of material values.
Terms of products shipment
All products of JSC "RPE" Sibtechnocenter", shipped from the warehouse, are accompanied by technical documentation
- certificates of conformity;
- technical passports;
- operating manuals.
All products are marked, canned and packaged in accordance with the requirements of GOST.
To contact us
If you have questions or a proposal for cooperation, fill out the form and we will contact you